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Secure Payment

Buy your make-up with confidence on the Make-up Atelier Paris's online shop! Just some clicks are enough to place an order and check out; it is as simple as in a store.

The website offers secured payment with SSL, that ensures you an impeccable quality of service in the processing of your payment by specialized services.


Make-up Atelier Paris's website currently accepts credit card payments, Visa and MasterCard.

The safety of the transactions is a major concern for a website such as That is why we take quite a special care of the security of all online payments. The protocol SSL (Secure Socket Layer), which is used on the online shop, is a worldwide reference regarding the safety of payments among all leaders of the e-commerce. It is actually an instantaneous encryption protocol, that allows the website to protect the data of your credit card. The number of your card, its expiry date and its cryptogram are then not visible on the internet network, completely eliminating any attempt of hacking into your bank account.


Online payment can arouse certain reluctance from the Internet users, frightened by the idea of having their credit card pirated/counterfieted. Make-up Atelier Paris reassures you on the safety of the payments realized on its website. You can also notice that our web address is secured with https://. When you pay for your order  by credit card, you are automatically redirected to a secure dedicated webpage managed by our bank. It is, indeed, the bank that is in charge of the securisation and the proccessing of the payment.

Secured Payment

All your Make-Up Atelier transactions
are 100% secured

Quick Delivery

Shipping by Colissimo
2 to 5 days

Returns & Exchanges

You have 14 days
to return a product

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